Disabled-Friendly Rentals in Redding CA


Disabled-Friendly Rental Searches Made Easy

Searching for the right rental home or apartment can be stressful, even more stressful if you are trying to find a rental home or apartment that caters to a person who is disabled. If you have been having a difficult time trying to find that perfect rental home or apartment that accommodates someone who is disabled, we would like to offer you some tips and property management tools to help relieve stress from your search process.

1. ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS – Before deciding to go look at a rental, make sure to call and ask the right questions to make sure that the rental you are interested in actually meets the standards of what you would want and need for a person who is disabled. It can be stressful and exhausting to go look at rentals that have been labeled disabled-friendly only to find out that a lot of what you would need really isn’t there. Some great questions to ask are: How low are the counters in the kitchen and in the bathrooms? Are they low enough for someone who is disabled? Does the bathroom have grab bars around the toilet, bathtub, and shower? Is the floor carpeted and if so, is the carpet low enough for a wheelchair to roll on? How wide are the door frames (know how wide they need to be)? Are the light switches and thermostats reachable? Do the doors have handles or knobs?

2. LOCATION – Besides just finding a rental home or apartment that accommodates a person with disabilities, it is also going to be important that the rental home be in a location where the person can easily access groceries and other services. Are the streets and sidewalks always busy and chaotic? Are there appropriate signs, lights and crosswalks for someone crossing the street?
3. ASK A PROPERTY MANAGER FOR HELP – Properties managers have a lot of experience managing every kind of property. Chances are, the properties managers and property management companies that are located around you are probably already aware of which rental homes or apartments in your area would best suit your needs as a person with disabilities. Calling on a property manager for help with finding a disabled-friendly rental can save you a lot of time, energy and stress.

If you would like a property manager to help assist you in your search for a rental home or apartment that caters to the needs of a person with disabilities, our team at Authority Property Management would love to help you in any way we can! We are property managers in Redding who have over 20 years of experience doing property management in Redding and Shasta County. Don’t hesitate to call us at (530) 410-6085. We would love to help you find the rental home or apartment you are looking for!
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Disclaimer: The content on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal or professional advice. Consult with a qualified professional for specific advice.

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